Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Horse and theButterfly

The horse asks the butterfly
I saw you here at dawn
Dancing around these flowers callously playing by
While I saddled for my journey far drawn
I travelled today a hundred miles
Galloped all through not rested even for a while
End of the day what I can with content say
With hard work sweat and toil I have earned my hay
And here you are while you can fly
From every work you simply shy
There is no purpose in your unsteady flight
Although I not like to pry, but I still wonder why
Butterfly smiled and fluttered for a while
Close to the horse observing his plight
And right when the horse shook his head and nodded in despise
Butterfly broke her silence and hummed in her voice nice
While you galloped around and covered distance abound
You saw nothing beyond the track that you were bound
I did dance around and never left this surround
While you paced around I was rather slow
But I enjoyed all this while beauty that nature endow
I have seen flowers bloom their fragrance loom
And I have seen them wilting and falling the coming noon
I have seen the morning dew glowing
And seen my young ones growing
Felt the joy of life and the ecstasy of love
And in this very day the dance of death
So many of my kin birds have preyed n fed
I have learned to live for the moment now
Make each moment of my existence count
Your journeys are bland but for those slants and mounts
Part that you strained and part that you eased along
For you life is a race, for me it’s an eternal song
For me life is a celebration and not a destination
So I don’t run but dance along
I carry its colours tattooed on my fly
Intoxicated by its nectar I flutter by
Long before the next dawn
I would be forever gone
I have yet no regrets or fear
For I live my life to the fullest dear